#Twinmooc e-Portfolio

I've recently joined #Twinmooc. This sapce is devoted to my participation in this mooc. I'm looking forward to my participation in the course as well as the interaction with other fellow etwinners.

Week 1 Challenges:

My 3, 2, 1 Introduction

Greetings from Tunisia! I'm a novice eTwinner. I'm thrilled to build my PLE and to connect with all of you fellow etwinners. Looking forward to my learning journey in this mooc! ;) So here is my powtoon 3,2,1 Introduction! I hope you'll get to know me more through the course and hopefully after the course as well!

eTwinning in 140 Characters

eTwinning in 140 Characters

There is a lot to say about what the eTwinning experience means to me. The following is a tweet about the essence of what it is to me. Looking forward to your interactions!



Week 2 Challenges:

Reflecting on my Teaching Practice

This activity is thought-provoking, it took me some time to think about the task! It is indeed one of the cognitive recommended activities for teachers personal and professional development.

I teach English in a public secondary school, I've been teaching since 2005. I've been growing as a teacher and a learner since that time. Today, what I want to improve in my teaching is to provide learning for mixed abilities classes and to differentiate my lessons activities.

Another thing that I want to improve is getting feedback from students, I used to do that at the begenning of my career, and for a reason or another I stopped doing it.

So, I think I need to be brave enough to ask for my students feedback after a lesson, as it helps me reflect on my own teaching practices seeing things from another perspective, the students perspective. I'll think about a convenient way to do it!

What I want to try is, and I've been delaying that as I'm not familiar with it, working with other classes (teachers and students ) from other countries in collaborative projects.

My Project Draft

Week 3 Challenge:

My Project Draft

I'm posting week 3 challenge a bit late. But better late than never! Here is a link to my project draft.

My Collaborative Activity

Week 4 Challenge:

My Collaborative ICT Activity

My designed ICT collaborative activity for week4

My Project Plan

Week 5 Challenge:

My Project Plan

Finall, I'm done with this challenge, time for peer assessment. So here is My Project Plan, the challenge of week5

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